Journal articles
(Total: 25, First-author: 9; Senior-Author: 1) *Co-First Author
✝Co-Senior Author Musslick, S., Andrew, B., Williams, C.C., Li, S., Marinescu, I., Dubova, M., Dang, G.T., Strittmatter, Y., & Holland, J. G. (2024). AutoRA: Automated research assistant for closed-loop empirical research. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(104), 6839. Young, P.A., Waller, O., Ball, K., Williams, C.C., & Nashmi, R. (2024). Phasic stimulation of dopaminergic neurons of the lateral substantia nigra increases open field exploratory behaviour and reduces habituation over time. Neuroscience. Hewson, J.T.S, Strittmatter, Y., Marinescu, I., Williams✝, C.C., & Musslick✝, S. (2023). Bayesian Machine Scientist for Model Discovery in Psychology. Neural Information Processing Systems. Marinescu, I., Strittmatter, Y., Williams, C.C., & Musslick, S. (2023). Expression Sampler as a Dynamic Benchmark for Symbolic Regression. Neural Information Processing Systems. Williams*, C.C., Weinhardt*, D., Wirzberger, M., & Musslick, S. (2023). Augmenting EEG with Generative Adversarial Networks Enhances Brain Decoding Across Classifiers and Sample Sizes. Cognitive Science. Musslick, S., Hewson, J.T.S., Andrew, B., Strittmatter, Y., Williams, C.C., Dang, G.T., Dubova, M., & Holland, J.G. (2023). An Evaluation of Experimental Sampling Strategies for Autonomous Empirical Research in Cognitive Science. Cognitive Science. Williams, C.C., Hassall, C.D., & Krigolson, O.E. (2023). Stabilizing Expectations when Shifting from Analytical to Intuitive Reasoning: The Role of Prediction Errors in Reasoning. Cortex. Redden, R.S., Gagliardi, G., Williams, C.C., Hassall, C.D., & Krigolson, O. (2021). Champ versus Chump: Viewing an Opponent’s Face Engages Attention but Not Reward Systems. Games. Foster, C. Williams, C.C., Krigolson, O.E., & Fyshe, A. (2021). Using EEG to Decode Semantics During an Artificial Language Learning Task. Brain and Behavior 2021, 1-11. Williams, C.C., Ferguson, T.D., Hassall, C.D., Wright, B., & Krigolson, O.E. (2021). Dissociated Neural Signals of Conflict and Surprise in Effortful Decision Making: Theta Activity Reflects Surprise while Alpha and Beta Activity Reflect Conflict. Neuropsychologia, 107793. Hammerstrom, M.R., Ferguson, T.D., Williams, C.C., & Krigolson, O.E. (2021). What happens when right means wrong? The impact of conflict arising from competing feedback responses. Brain Research, 147393. Williams, C.C., Ferguson, T.D., Hassall, C.D., Abimbola, W., & Krigolson, O.E. (2021). The ERP, Frequency, and Time-Frequency Correlates of Feedback Processing: Insights from a Large Sample Study. Psychophysiology, 00, e13722, 1-26. Williams, C.C., Hassall, C.D., Lindenbach, T., & Krigolson, O.E. (2020). Reward Prediction Errors Reflect an Underlying Learning Process that Parallels Behavioural Adaptations: A Trial-to-Trial Analysis. Computational Brain and Behaviour, 3, 189-199. Colino, F.L., Williams, C.C., Hassall, C.D., Binsted, G., and Krigolson, O.E. (2020). The Impact of Wellness on Neural Learning Systems. Neuroscience Letters, 714, 134537. Ciechanski, P., Hecker, K., Wilson, B., Williams, C.C., Anderson, S., Cheng, A., Lopushinsky, S., & Kirton, A. (2019). Electroencephalography correlates of transcranial direct-current stimulation enhanced surgical skill learning: a replication and extension study. Brain Research, 146445. Ferguson, T., Williams, C.C., Skelton, R.W., & Krigolson, O.E. (2019). Passively Learned Spatial Navigation Cues Evoke Reinforcement Learning Reward Signals. Cognition, 189: 65-75. Williams, C.C., Kappen, M., Wright, B., & Krigolson, O.E. (2019). Thinking Theta and Alpha: Mechanisms of Intuitive and Analytical Reasoning. NeuroImage, 189: 574-580. Pluta, A., Williams, C.C., Binsted, G., Hecker, K.G., & Krigolson, O.E. (2018). Chasing the zone: Reduced beta power predicts baseball batting performance. Neuroscience Letters, 868: 150-154. Howse, A., Hassall, C.D., Williams, C.C., Hajcak, G., & Krigolson, O.E. (2018). Alcohol Hangover Impacts Learning and Reward Processing Within the Medial-Frontal Cortex. Psychophysiology, e13081. Williams, C.C., Hecker, K.G., Paget, M.K., Coderre, S.P., Burak, K.W., Wright, B., & Krigolson, O.E. (2018). The applications of reward learning in the real world: Changes in the reward positivity amplitude reflect learning in a medical education context. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 132: 236-242. Williams, C.C., Hassall, C.D., Trska, R., Holroyd, C.B., & Krigolson, O.E. (2017). When Theory and Biology Differ: The Relationship Between Reward Prediction Errors and Expectancy. Biological Psychology, 129: 265-272. Krigolson, O.E., Williams, C.C., & Colino, F.L. (2017). Using Portable EEG to Assess Human Visual Attention. In Augmented Cognition, Neurocognition and Machine Learning (pp. 56-65). Springer, Cham. Krigolson, O.E., Williams, C.C., Norton, A., Hassall, C.D., & Colino, F.L. (2017). Choosing MUSE: Validation of a Low-Cost, Portable EEG System for ERP Research. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11. Hassall, C.D., & Williams, C.C. (2017).The Role of the Amygdala in Value-Based Learning. Journal of Neuroscience, 37(28): 6601-6602. Williams, C.C., Saffer, B.Y., McCulloch, R.B., & Krigolson, O.E. (2016). The Scarcity Heuristic Impacts Reward Processing Within Medial-Frontal Cortex. NeuroReport, 27(7). Williams, C.C., Van Oorschot, F., & Krigolson, O.E. (preprint). A Window into the Rational Mind: The Neural Underpinnings of Human Reasoning. PsyArXiv. Oral Presentations
Ciechanski P., Kirton A., Wilson B., Williams C.C., Anderson S.J., Cheng A., Lopushinsky S., & Hecker K.G. (2019). Transcranial direct-current stimulation enhances surgical skill learning by altering sensorimotor electrical activity. CITAC Annual General Meeting 2019. Banff, Alberta, Canada. Williams, C.C. (2019). It Takes 21 Lines of Code to Control a Robot with Your Mind: Interdisciplinary Collaborations as the Key to Advancing Science. Neuroscience Graduate Program Seminar Series. Victoria, BC. Williams, C.C. (2019). The Causes and Consequences for Difficult Decisions in Clinicians. Neuroscience Kickoff, Victoria, BC. Williams, C.C. (2018). From the Laboratory to the Real-World: The Versatility in Mobile EEG. Neuroscience Kickoff, Victoria, BC. Williams, C.C., Ferguson, T.D., Hammerstrom, M., Colino, F.L., Wright, B., & Krigolson, O.E. (2018). Putting the Learning Back into Neural Learning Systems. Northwest Cognition and Memory 2018, Richmond, BC. Ferguson, T.D., Williams, C.C., Colino, F.L., Wright, B., & Krigolson, O.E. (2018). More attention, greater control: Acute and chronic stress correlate with differences in alpha and theta oscillations. Northwest Cognition and Memory 2018, Richmond, BC. Middleton, J., Williams, C.C., Wright, B., & Krigolson, O.E. (2018). Midfrontal Theta: Real World Applications in Medical Education. Northwest Cognition and Memory 2018, Richmond, BC. Trska, R., Williams, C.C., Hassall, C.D., Holroyd, C., & Krigolson, O.E. (2018) Motor Learning: The Effect of Expectancy on Reward Positivity and Readiness Potential. Northwest Cognition and Memory 2018, Richmond, BC. Williams, C.C. (2018). Thinking, Alpha and Theta: Neural Indicators of System 1 and System 2. Cognition and Brain Sciences Seminar, Victoria, BC. Krigolson, O.E., Williams, C.C., & Colino, F.L. (2017). Using Portable EEG to Assess Human Visual Attention. Human-Computer Interaction International Conference 2017, Vancouver, BC. Williams, C. C., Lindenbach, T., Wright, B., & Krigolson, O. E. (2017). Rapid Language Acquisition in a Reinforcement Learning Paradigm. NorthWest Cognition and Memory, Vancouver, BC. Williams, C. C. (2016). Learning Pathology with Reinforcements: A Neural Investigation. Cognition and Brain Sciences Seminars, Victoria, BC Williams, C. C., Saffer, B. Y., McCulloch, R. B., & Krigolson, O. E. (2016). One is the loneliest number, but also the most valuable. Cognitive Science Association for Interdisciplinary Learning, Hood River, OR Williams, C. C., Paget, M., Coderre, S., Burak, K., Wright, B., & Krigolson, O. E. (2016). AIndicators of System I and System II Decision Making when Diagnosing Clinical Cases. NorthWest Cognition and Memory, Vancouver, BC Williams, C. C., Paget, M., Coderre, S., Burak, K., Wright, B., & Krigolson, O. E. (2016). A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Medical Education. University of Victoria’s Making Waves, Victoria, BC *Presenting author in bold Poster Presentations
Williams, C.C., Weinhardt, D., Wirzberger, M., & Musslick, S. (2023) Enhancing EEG Classification Performance through Generative Adversarial Networks: Investigating the Impact of Sample Sizes and Classifier Selection. SimTech. Williams, C.C., Weinhardt, D., Wirzberger, M., & Musslick, S. (2023). Augmenting EEG with Generative Adversarial Networks Enhances Brain Decoding Across Classifiers and Sample Sizes. Cognitive Science. Young, P., Ball, K., Williams, C.C., & Nashmi, R. (2023) Investigating the Role of the Lateral Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta in Modulating Voluntary Movement. Canadian Association for Neuroscience. Williams, C.C., Van Oorschot, F., Krigolson, O.E. (2021). A Window Into the Rational Mind: Frontal Theta Power Reflects Rationality in a Classic Reasoning Task. Society for Psycholophysiological Research Meeting, Virtual. Hammerstrom, M.R., Williams, C.C., Ferguson, T. D., Abimbola, W. & Krigolson O.E (2020). The Effects of Sleep on Neural Learning Signals. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, digital conference presentation. Williams, C.C., Ferguson, T. D., Hassall, C. D., Abimbola, W., & Krigolson, E. O. (2020). The Reward Positivity, Delta, and Theta in a Sample of 500 Participants. Society for Psycholophysiological Research Meeting, Virtual. Williams, C.C. & Krigolson, O.E. (2019). The Power Curve of the Brain: Reward Prediction Errors Follow Learning Curves. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Middleton, J., Williams, C.C., Wright, B., & Krigolson, O.E. (2019). Tonic Frontal Theta as an Assessment of Medical Decision Making in the Context of Medical Education. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Williams, C.C., Kappen, M., Hassall, C.D., Wright, B., & Krigolson, O.E. (2018). Cognitive Control and Attention: Neurocognitive Mechanisms of System 1 and System 2 Thinking. Society for Psychophysiological Research Meeting, Quebec City, QC. Berman, T., Williams, C., & Krigolson, O.E. (2018). Neural Correlates of Feedback Congruency: Top-Down Modulation of the Reward Positivity. Poster Presentation, Canadian Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC. Hammerstrom, M., Williams, C.C., Ferguson, T.D., Colino, F.L., Wright, B., & Krigolson, O.E. (2018). Neural Learning Signals Reflect Task Performance in a Medical Context. Northwest Cognition and Memory 2018, Richmond, BC. Walther, L., Williams, C.C., & Krigolson, O.E. (2018). Early bird vs. night owl: Using EEG to measure your attention fluctuations throughout the day. Northwest Cognition and Memory 2018, Richmond, BC. Gagliardi, G., Williams, C.C., Abimbola, W, & Krigolson, O.E. (2018). Using a Pair of Glasses to See Your Brainwaves. Northwest Cognition and Memory 2018, Richmond, BC. Walther, L., Williams, C. C., & Krigolson, O. E. (2018). Morning person vs. night owl: Using EEG to measure your attention fluctuations throughout the day. Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Awards Research Fair, Victoria, BC. Foster, C., Williams, C. C., Krigolson, O. E., & Fyshe, A. (2017). Decoding Word Semantics and Learning in EEG Data via an Artificial Language. Cognitive Computational Neuroscience, New York, NY. Williams, C., Schulze, M., Wright, B., & Krigolson, O.E. (2017). Neural correlates of system I and system II judgements when diagnosing diseases. Society for Psychophysiological Research Meeting, Vienna, Austria. Norton, A., Colino, F., Williams, C., Hassall, C., & Krigolson, O.E. (2017). Finding a MUSE: Validation of a low-cost, portable system, for EEG research. Society for Psychophysiological Research Meeting, Vienna, Austria. Williams, C., Lindenbach, T., Colino, F., Wright, B., & Krigolson, O.E. (2017) Learning a Novel Language with Reinforcements: A Preliminary Neural Investigation. Organization for Human Brain Mapping Meeting, Vancouver, BC. Hassall, C. D., Williams, C. C., & Krigolson, O. E. (2017). P300 scaling: Value, average reward, and the framing effect. Organization of Human Brain Mapping Conference, Vancouver, BC. Norton, A., Williams, C. C., Hassall, C. D., Colino, F. L., Krigolson, O. E (2017) A Validation of a Low-Cost Portable EEG System. Organization for Human Brain Mapping Conference, Vancouver, BC. Schulze, M., Williams, C. C., Wright, B., Krigolson, O. E. (2017). System I and System II Decision Making in a Medical Context NorthWest Cognition and Memory, Vancouver, BC. Fitzpatrick, S., Fisher, S., Williams, C. C., and Krigolson, O. E. (2017). Neurophysiological Assessment of Concussion: Variability in Reward Positivity. Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Awards Research Fair, Victoria, BC Williams, C. C., Paget, M., Coderre, S., Burak, K., Wright, B., and Krigolson, O. E. (2016). The Neural Basis of Clinical Decision Making. 77th Annual Convention for the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Victoria, BC Hassall, C.D., Williams, C.C., & Krigolson, O.E. (2016). Good, better, best: Electroencephalographic responses scale to reward value. 77th Annual Convention for the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Victoria, BC McCulloch, R. B., Williams, C.C., Saffer, B. Y., & Krigolson, O.E. (2016). I lost all of my marbles, but I only care about the white ones. 77th Annual Convention for the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Victoria, BC Lindenbach, T. N., Williams, C.C., and Krigolson, O.E. (2016). Rapid Learning of a Novel Language: An Electroencephalographic Investigation. Northwest Cognition and Memory, Vancouver, BC (pdf) Pluta, A. J., Williams, C.C., and Krigolson, O.E. (2016). The Effects of Background Alpha on Baseball Performance. Northwest Cognition and Memory, Vancouver, BC (pdf) Williams, C. C., Paget, M., Coderre, S., Burak, K., Wright, B., and Krigolson, O. E. (2016). Neural Systems That Underlie Clinical Decision Making: An Electroencephalographic Investigation. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, New York, NY (pdf) Williams, C. C., Holroyd, C. B., & Krigolson, O. E. (2016). Reward Processing when Evaluating Goals: Insight into Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning. Psychology Students of Vancouver Island Poster Session, Victoria, BC (pdf) Williams, C. C., Hassall, C. D., & Krigolson, O. E. (2015). Reward Expectancy and the Reward Positivity: A Non-Linear Trend. Society for Psychophysiological Research 55th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA (pdf) Williams, C. C., Hassall, C. D., & Krigolson, O. E. (2015). Reward Expectancy and the Reward Positivity: A Non-Linear Trend. Northwest Cognition and Memory 2015, Bellingham, OR |