Common R Commands
This is a guide to commands for the RStudio statistical program. This is an attempt to conglomerate everything there is to do with stats with R, therefore, it will always be a work in progress. Likely the most useful parts of this page are the various ANOVAs (one-way, two-way, independent, repeated-measures, mixed design) and Generalized Linear Mixed Effects Models that are described as it is difficult to find very much information on these subjects. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at [email protected].
This page does not address the theoretical concepts of statistics. 'Get R Done' Video Series
I have produced step-by-step R tutorials on my YouTube Channel: Check it out here! Getting started
Working with data
Creating data
Descriptive statistics
Inferential statistics - ttests & Cohen's d
Inferential statistics - correlation and regression
Inferential statistics - Anovas and partial eta squared
(Install package 'ez' if you will use the ezANOVA method)
Inferential statistics - post-hocs
inferential statistics - testing assumptions
Inferential statistics - Linear Regression & Linear Mixed Effects Models
Plotting Data
Note: This is basic plotting, you can do professional grade plotting with ggplot in R. I have a tutorial on how to do this here.
Manipulating plots